27 August 2011
Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011
Minutes of the meeting have been issued by the Postal Directorate vide No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 25.08.2011. A copy of the minutes is reproduced below:-
Minutes of the meeting taken by Secretary (Posts) with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011
Secretary (Posts) took a meeting with All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts on 11.08.2011 to discuss the charter of demands given by the Association with their letter dated 04.07.2011. The following were present:-
Official side Staff side
Member (Personnel) Shri Roop Chand, General Secretary
DDG (P) Shri Dinesh Khare, Preseident
DDG (Establishment) Shri Ajit Kumar, Circle Secretary, Kerala
DDG (Recruitment &Petition) Shri Raj Deo Prasad, Circle Secretary, Bihar
Director (SR &Legal)
The issues raised in the charter of demands were considered by the Committee and a gist of discussions thereof is as follows:
i. The Association was apprised that the proposal to revise the Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs.4200 to Rs. 4600 did not find favour with the Ministry of Finance on the ground that there can not be two levels in the same hierarchy i.e., IPOs & ASPOs, drawing the same grade pay. They were further informed that the proposal could be considered only if IPO & ASPOs cadres are merged into one cadre and the gazetted status of ASPOs is foregone. The Association agreed to submit a revised proposal to be considered by the Department.
ii. A committee will be constituted to look into promotional prospects of the IPOs/ASPOs. Action -SR
iii & iv It was explained to the Association how the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre has not , in any way, adversely affected their overall promotional prospects. The Association was also told of the need to encourage meritorious candidates by bringing them on fast track promotion, which will provide stability to the PS Group B/Time Scale Cadres.
v. Supply of laptops to IPOs/ASPOs will be examined. Action – Tech. Div.
vi. The Association was explained that the post of HSG-I was not a promotional post for IPOs and further HSG-I post is non gazetted whereas the post of ASPOs is gazetted . In the background of the above, the proposal could not be considered.
vii. The matter of revision of rate of remuneration for performing duty as invigilators in the Departmental examinations is under process. Action – DDG (Rectt. & Pett.)
viii. The staff side was explained that the proposal regarding promotion earned through examination not to be considered while granting MACP was not in line with this scheme and therefore could not be considered.
ix. The demand of the staff side to hold periodical meeting at regular intervals was accepted. Action – SR
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
All the CHQ Office bearers / Circle Secretaries / Members of the Association are requested to kindly go through the minutes and offer their views to the CHQ through Email / letter so that further action could be taken by the CHQ in the larger interest of the Inspector, Posts cadre.
Source: All India Association of IPs/ASPs
21 August 2011
Modernisation of Department of Posts
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Modernisation of Department of Posts
Government has approved the ‘IT MODERNIZATION PROJECT’ of Department of Posts for computerization of Post Offices, Mail Offices, Administrative Offices and other field offices. This will involve establishment of required IT infrastructure, development of required software applications with an outlay of Rs.1877.2 crore.
The project has the following salient features:
• It will establish IT infrastructure of Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre and networking of all Departmental Post Offices including appropriate connectivity in the Branch Post Offices in the rural area.
• The project envisages development of integrated modular scalable applications for Mail, kBanking, Postal Life Insurance, solutions for Accounts and HR operations of the department.
• The rural post offices will be provided with rural ICT devices with required applications for performing Postal, Savings Bank, Insurance, MGNREGS and Money Order operations.
• Provision has been made for training, change management, capacity building of the employees of the department along with Project Management activity for smooth and timely implementation of the project.
It is planned to network all Departmental Post Offices and Branch Post Offices in the country subject to availability of connectivity and resources under the “India Post Technology Project-2012”.
The departmental Post Offices are proposed to be networked with appropriate connectivity. Branch Post Offices located in rural areas are proposed to be networked using available connectivity at these locations. The rural ICT Devices in the Branch Post Offices will have the capacity to work in both online/offline mode. The IT project is expected to be implemented by 2012-13 subject to the availability of funds.
This information was given by Shri Sachin Pilot, the Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
Source: PIB
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 2:45 PM
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Modernisation of Department of Posts
Government has approved the ‘IT MODERNIZATION PROJECT’ of Department of Posts for computerization of Post Offices, Mail Offices, Administrative Offices and other field offices. This will involve establishment of required IT infrastructure, development of required software applications with an outlay of Rs.1877.2 crore.
The project has the following salient features:
• It will establish IT infrastructure of Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre and networking of all Departmental Post Offices including appropriate connectivity in the Branch Post Offices in the rural area.
• The project envisages development of integrated modular scalable applications for Mail, kBanking, Postal Life Insurance, solutions for Accounts and HR operations of the department.
• The rural post offices will be provided with rural ICT devices with required applications for performing Postal, Savings Bank, Insurance, MGNREGS and Money Order operations.
• Provision has been made for training, change management, capacity building of the employees of the department along with Project Management activity for smooth and timely implementation of the project.
It is planned to network all Departmental Post Offices and Branch Post Offices in the country subject to availability of connectivity and resources under the “India Post Technology Project-2012”.
The departmental Post Offices are proposed to be networked with appropriate connectivity. Branch Post Offices located in rural areas are proposed to be networked using available connectivity at these locations. The rural ICT Devices in the Branch Post Offices will have the capacity to work in both online/offline mode. The IT project is expected to be implemented by 2012-13 subject to the availability of funds.
This information was given by Shri Sachin Pilot, the Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
Source: PIB
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 2:45 PM
15 August 2011
13 August 2011
11 August 2011
Meeting with the Secretary (Posts) on 11-08-2011
Today, the Secretary (Posts) took meeting with our Association at 15:00 Hrs. I alongwith Shri Dinesh Khare, President, Shri Ajit Kumar, C.S. Kerala and Shri Rajdeo Prasad, C.S.Bihar attended the meeting. All items included in our Charter of Demands were discussed in detail. View of the Secretary (Posts) was positive towards our demands.
Official minutes of the meeting will be published on the blog on the receipt of the same from the Department. The Secretary (Posts) informed that upgradation of Grade Pay of IP from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 will be only possible after merger of the post of IP and ASP. The Secretary (Posts) also assured us that a committee will be constituted for restructuring of IP cadre. The Secretary (Posts) agreed to examine the issue of supply of Laptop to all IPs / ASPs other than Sub Divisional Heads.
She directed the DDG(P) / Director(SPN) to discuss the issue of quota of IP Line in PS Group "B" examination on introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing. Accordingly, matter was discussed in the chamber of the DDG(P) but could not be resolved.
Roop Chand
General Secretary
Decliningpromotionto PostmasterGrade-l
No.4- 2412011- SPB.ll
Gover nm ent India
Ministry Communications lT
Department Posts
Dak Bhavan,
SansadM arg,
N e wD e l h i , a t e d : a { - A u g u s t , 2 A 1 1 .
The ChiefPostmaster
T a mi l n a d u i rcl e ,
C he n n a i -6 0 0 0 0 2 .
Decliningpromotionto PostmasterGrade-l by the officials
declared successful in Postmaster Grade-l Departmental
C o m p e t i t i vE x a m i n a t i o n l do n 1 2 . 6 . 2 A 1 1 .
I am directed to refer to Circle Office's letter No STA/5-21lGr.l
Postmaster/Ruling/2O10, 25.V.2011 the above subjectand to say
that declination appointment the candidate the post of Postmaster
passing the DepartmentalExamination,but before his
Grade-l after
may be accepted.
(DK thanda)
Copy to all Head of PostalCircles/Postmasters
Gover nm ent India
Ministry Communications lT
Department Posts
Dak Bhavan,
SansadM arg,
N e wD e l h i , a t e d : a { - A u g u s t , 2 A 1 1 .
The ChiefPostmaster
T a mi l n a d u i rcl e ,
C he n n a i -6 0 0 0 0 2 .
Decliningpromotionto PostmasterGrade-l by the officials
declared successful in Postmaster Grade-l Departmental
C o m p e t i t i vE x a m i n a t i o n l do n 1 2 . 6 . 2 A 1 1 .
I am directed to refer to Circle Office's letter No STA/5-21lGr.l
Postmaster/Ruling/2O10, 25.V.2011 the above subjectand to say
that declination appointment the candidate the post of Postmaster
passing the DepartmentalExamination,but before his
Grade-l after
may be accepted.
(DK thanda)
Copy to all Head of PostalCircles/Postmasters
10 August 2011
Central Working Committee Meeting
As intimated by Sh. Rajdeo Prasad, Circle Secretary, Bihar Circle, venue of the CWC will be Patna. CHQ will issue notice shortly for holding of the same on 23.09.2011 & 24.09.2011.Exact venue will be mentioned in the notice.
All Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office Bearers are requested to kindly get their tickets booked for inward/outward journey immediately.
Roop Chand
G. S.
06 August 2011
Transfer /postings in JAG of IPoS, Group "A"
Postal Directorate has issued following transfer/posting in the JAG of IPoS Group 'A' vide No. 2-8/2011-SPG Dated 05-08-2011
S No.
Name of Officer(Mr./Ms.)
Presently Posted
Posting on Transfer
B. Sarangi(1989)
( Designate)
DPS, Dharwad
Post restored
M. Venkateswarulu(1992)
DPS ,Allahabad (Designate)
Vice Sh B. Sarangi tfd
Swati M. Pandey(1997)
DPS, Bhopal(Designate)
DPS Ajmer
Vice Sh R. P. Gupta tfd
Prannoy Sharma(1998)
Director (MB) Postal Dte.
Director (PO) Postal Dte.
Vice Sh Neeraj Kr.proceeding on deputation
R. P. Gupta(1999)
DPS Ajmer
DPS, Bhopal
Vice Ms Swati M Pandey tfd
T. Nirmala Devi(2000)
Director, PTC, Madurai
DPS(SP&Mails) Chennai
Vice Sh Parimal Sinha tfd
Parimal Sinha(2001)
DPS(SP&Mails) Chennai
Director (MB) Postal Dte.
Vice Sh Prannoy Sharma tfd
Sumitha Ayodhya(2002)
DPS (BD&Mktg) Orissa Circle(Designate)
DPS, Chennai City Region
Vice Ms J. Charukeshi proceeded on CCL
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 11:51 PM
Transfer/posting in the SAG of IPoS, Group "A"
Postal Directorate has issued following transfer/posting in the SAG of IPoS Group 'A' vide No. 1-2/2009-SPG Dated 05-08-2011
S No.
Name of Officer(Mr./Ms.)
Presently Posted
Posting on Transfer
PMG,SB Region,WB Circle(Designate)
PMG(BD,Tech&Mkg) WB Circle
Vice Sh. M. Sampath tfd
Meera Handa(IPoS-1982)
Vice Ms. Devika Kumar tfd
Aindri Anurag(IPoS-1988)
On Study Leave
Vice Ms. Meera Handa tfd
M. Sampath(IPoS-1988)
PMG(BD,Tech&Mkg) WB Circle
PMG,SB Region,WB Circle
Vice Sh. B.V.Sudhakar tfd
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 11:48 PM
S No.
Name of Officer(Mr./Ms.)
Presently Posted
Posting on Transfer
B. Sarangi(1989)
( Designate)
DPS, Dharwad
Post restored
M. Venkateswarulu(1992)
DPS ,Allahabad (Designate)
Vice Sh B. Sarangi tfd
Swati M. Pandey(1997)
DPS, Bhopal(Designate)
DPS Ajmer
Vice Sh R. P. Gupta tfd
Prannoy Sharma(1998)
Director (MB) Postal Dte.
Director (PO) Postal Dte.
Vice Sh Neeraj Kr.proceeding on deputation
R. P. Gupta(1999)
DPS Ajmer
DPS, Bhopal
Vice Ms Swati M Pandey tfd
T. Nirmala Devi(2000)
Director, PTC, Madurai
DPS(SP&Mails) Chennai
Vice Sh Parimal Sinha tfd
Parimal Sinha(2001)
DPS(SP&Mails) Chennai
Director (MB) Postal Dte.
Vice Sh Prannoy Sharma tfd
Sumitha Ayodhya(2002)
DPS (BD&Mktg) Orissa Circle(Designate)
DPS, Chennai City Region
Vice Ms J. Charukeshi proceeded on CCL
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 11:51 PM
Transfer/posting in the SAG of IPoS, Group "A"
Postal Directorate has issued following transfer/posting in the SAG of IPoS Group 'A' vide No. 1-2/2009-SPG Dated 05-08-2011
S No.
Name of Officer(Mr./Ms.)
Presently Posted
Posting on Transfer
PMG,SB Region,WB Circle(Designate)
PMG(BD,Tech&Mkg) WB Circle
Vice Sh. M. Sampath tfd
Meera Handa(IPoS-1982)
Vice Ms. Devika Kumar tfd
Aindri Anurag(IPoS-1988)
On Study Leave
Vice Ms. Meera Handa tfd
M. Sampath(IPoS-1988)
PMG(BD,Tech&Mkg) WB Circle
PMG,SB Region,WB Circle
Vice Sh. B.V.Sudhakar tfd
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 11:48 PM
05 August 2011
Meeting of Secretary (P) with All India Association of Inpsectors and Assistant Superintedents Posts to Discuss its charter of demands.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Copy of Postal Directorate letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 03.08.20011 addressed to the General Secretary is reproduced below for information.
Subject:- Meeting of Secretary (P) with All India Association of Inpsectors and Assistant Superintedents Posts to Discuss its charter of demands.
Secretary(P) will take a Meeting with office-bearers of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Post on 11.08.2011 at 1500 hrs to discuss the issues raised by the Association in its charter of demands,
Please make it convenient to attend the Meeting.
(Subhash Chander)
Director(SR & Legal)
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 2:31 PM
Copy of Postal Directorate letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 03.08.20011 addressed to the General Secretary is reproduced below for information.
Subject:- Meeting of Secretary (P) with All India Association of Inpsectors and Assistant Superintedents Posts to Discuss its charter of demands.
Secretary(P) will take a Meeting with office-bearers of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Post on 11.08.2011 at 1500 hrs to discuss the issues raised by the Association in its charter of demands,
Please make it convenient to attend the Meeting.
(Subhash Chander)
Director(SR & Legal)
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 2:31 PM
Grant of leave to the staff working under HSG-I Postmaster
No 51-4/2011- SPB – 11
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated 01-08-2011
All Chief Postmasters General
All Postmasters General
Sub: Grant of leave to the staff working under HSG I Postmaster.
Sir / Madam,
It is observed that HSG.I Postmaster is competent to grant only casual leave to the staff working under him/her. The applications for grant of other kind of leave to staff are forwarded by him/her to the Division office for approval. It has been brought to the notice of the Directorate that at times the said procedure takes time and if such officials who donot have casual leave left in their accounts want to proceed on earned leave immediately to some unforeseen circumstances, they face problems in proceeding on leave at short notice.
2. The matter has been looked into. It has been decided by the competent authority in the Directorate that in such pressing circumstances, HSG I Postmasters while recommending earned leave may relieve the official of his duties in anticipation of grant of leave by the competent authority, provided :
I. The earned leave applied for by the individual is not for more than the period of three days.
II. No substitute is required in case the official proceeds on leave.
III. The leave may be recommended by the HSG I Postmaster by recording that it is being recommended subject to the availability of leave in the credit of the applicant.
IV. The official may be relieved after duly following the procedure of handing/taking over of the charge.
V. If later on the sanctioning authority finds that the official does not have the leave applied for to his credit he should obtain the revised application from the individual for the kind of leave he/she is entitled to at the earliest.
VI. If the official needs earned leave for more than three days or wants to extend the earned leave beyond three days he should apply for same well in advance so that it is sanctioned as per the existing procedure.
Yours faithfully,
Director (Staff)
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 11:20 PM
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated 01-08-2011
All Chief Postmasters General
All Postmasters General
Sub: Grant of leave to the staff working under HSG I Postmaster.
Sir / Madam,
It is observed that HSG.I Postmaster is competent to grant only casual leave to the staff working under him/her. The applications for grant of other kind of leave to staff are forwarded by him/her to the Division office for approval. It has been brought to the notice of the Directorate that at times the said procedure takes time and if such officials who donot have casual leave left in their accounts want to proceed on earned leave immediately to some unforeseen circumstances, they face problems in proceeding on leave at short notice.
2. The matter has been looked into. It has been decided by the competent authority in the Directorate that in such pressing circumstances, HSG I Postmasters while recommending earned leave may relieve the official of his duties in anticipation of grant of leave by the competent authority, provided :
I. The earned leave applied for by the individual is not for more than the period of three days.
II. No substitute is required in case the official proceeds on leave.
III. The leave may be recommended by the HSG I Postmaster by recording that it is being recommended subject to the availability of leave in the credit of the applicant.
IV. The official may be relieved after duly following the procedure of handing/taking over of the charge.
V. If later on the sanctioning authority finds that the official does not have the leave applied for to his credit he should obtain the revised application from the individual for the kind of leave he/she is entitled to at the earliest.
VI. If the official needs earned leave for more than three days or wants to extend the earned leave beyond three days he should apply for same well in advance so that it is sanctioned as per the existing procedure.
Yours faithfully,
Director (Staff)
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 11:20 PM
03 August 2011
CWC meeting of IP/ASP Asso. CG circle
No-C.S./Corr/2011 Raipur dtd 15.07.2011
Under the provision of article 46 of the constitution of the association it is hereby notified thet CWC meeting of the association will be held at Raipur GPO o07.08.2011 at 11.00 Hrs.
1. Confirmation of minutes of Genral body meeting.
2. Discussion on MNREGS cash conveyance.
3. Discussion on pressure to members for BD targets.
4. Regarding office arrangement of vacant posts of Sub Dn.
5. Adhoc promotion of ASP.
6. Discriminancy on MACP of members.
7. Sanction of road mileage.
8. Other items with approval of the chair.
Circle Secretary
Under the provision of article 46 of the constitution of the association it is hereby notified thet CWC meeting of the association will be held at Raipur GPO o07.08.2011 at 11.00 Hrs.
1. Confirmation of minutes of Genral body meeting.
2. Discussion on MNREGS cash conveyance.
3. Discussion on pressure to members for BD targets.
4. Regarding office arrangement of vacant posts of Sub Dn.
5. Adhoc promotion of ASP.
6. Discriminancy on MACP of members.
7. Sanction of road mileage.
8. Other items with approval of the chair.
Circle Secretary
On-line processing of Recruitment Rules - Formulation/amendment.
No. AB.14017/63/2007-Estt(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi
Dated the 28th July, 2011
Subject:- On-line processing of Recruitment Rules - Formulation/amendment.
The Department of Personnel and Training in consultation with NIC has developed a software package for submitting the proposals for framing/amendment of RRs in the on-line process In the first phase, 15 Ministries/Departments had been included and proposals on RRs from these Ministries/Departments are being processed on line before considering them for final approval in the concerned file received physically. A copy of the User Manual on Recruitment Rules Formulation
Amendments Monitoring system (RRFAMS) prepared by the NIC, DOPT is enclosed
2. It is now proposed to extend the software to all the Ministries/Departments for which a Workshop is proposed to be conducted in ISTM during September, 2011 for hands-on experience of the software package. The proposals on framing/amendment of RRs from the Ministries/Departments shall require to be submitted on-line and which shall be examined by this Department on-line. Once it is approved in the on-line system, the files need to be sent along with the printout of the RRs approved for formal approval by this Department.
3. It is requested that the Ministries/Departments may identify the concerned nodal officers (not below the level of Section Officer) who shall be dealing with formulation of Recruitment Rules etc for deputing them to the Workshop alongwith the officers from NIC in the Ministry/Department. The exact dates of the workshop will be intimated soon.
(Smita )
Director (E.I)
Source : www.persmin.nic.in
No. AB.14017/63/2007-Estt(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi
Dated the 28th July, 2011
Subject:- On-line processing of Recruitment Rules - Formulation/amendment.
The Department of Personnel and Training in consultation with NIC has developed a software package for submitting the proposals for framing/amendment of RRs in the on-line process In the first phase, 15 Ministries/Departments had been included and proposals on RRs from these Ministries/Departments are being processed on line before considering them for final approval in the concerned file received physically. A copy of the User Manual on Recruitment Rules Formulation
Amendments Monitoring system (RRFAMS) prepared by the NIC, DOPT is enclosed
2. It is now proposed to extend the software to all the Ministries/Departments for which a Workshop is proposed to be conducted in ISTM during September, 2011 for hands-on experience of the software package. The proposals on framing/amendment of RRs from the Ministries/Departments shall require to be submitted on-line and which shall be examined by this Department on-line. Once it is approved in the on-line system, the files need to be sent along with the printout of the RRs approved for formal approval by this Department.
3. It is requested that the Ministries/Departments may identify the concerned nodal officers (not below the level of Section Officer) who shall be dealing with formulation of Recruitment Rules etc for deputing them to the Workshop alongwith the officers from NIC in the Ministry/Department. The exact dates of the workshop will be intimated soon.
(Smita )
Director (E.I)
Source : www.persmin.nic.in
Engagement of GDS on compassionate grounds-Revised instructions on selection procedure
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
No. 17-17/2010-GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110116
Dated: 01 Aug 2011
Chief Postmaster General
Postmaster General
General Manager (Finance)
Director of Account (Postal.)
Attention of all concerned is invited to this Directorate letter of even number dated 14 Dec 2010 under which the scheme for engagement of GDS on compassionate grounds with merit points & procedure for selection was circulated and made effective for all the compassionate engagement cases to be considered on or after 01.01.2011
2. The Scheme has recently been reviewed in this Directorate and in partial modification to the existing provisions contained in Para 7 of the Scheme, the following revised provisions may be substituted:-
(a) The existing ceiling of 10% is removed. All requests for compassionate engagement would be considered by the Circle Relaxation Committee on application of the relative merit points prescribed in this Directorate letter dated 14.12. 2010 in hard and deserving cases only subject to availability of the vacancy for the purpose & fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the GDS post. The term "hard and deserving cases" would mean cases over and above 50 merit points.
(b) All cases that are more than 5 years old or in which there is/are earning members(s) in the joint families hithertofare considered initially by the Circle Relaxation Committee and prescribed to be referred to this Directorate for approval would also be decided by the Circle Relaxation Committee concerned without further reference to this Directorate.
(c) All other provisions contained in the Scheme dated 14.12. 2010 shall continue to apply as already prescribed and all compassionate engagement shall be approved within the ambit of the prescribed Scheme only.
3. The revised provisions shall take effect from the date of application of the original Scheme. However, no past case decided in accordance with the original scheme prior to issue of this order shall be reopened. All cases lying undecided for whatever reasons may be decided only by the Circle Relaxation Committee without any further reference to this Directorate.
(Surender Kumar)
Asst. Director General (GDS)
No. 17-17/2010-GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg.
New Delhi-110116
Dated: 01 Aug 2011
Chief Postmaster General
Postmaster General
General Manager (Finance)
Director of Account (Postal.)
Attention of all concerned is invited to this Directorate letter of even number dated 14 Dec 2010 under which the scheme for engagement of GDS on compassionate grounds with merit points & procedure for selection was circulated and made effective for all the compassionate engagement cases to be considered on or after 01.01.2011
2. The Scheme has recently been reviewed in this Directorate and in partial modification to the existing provisions contained in Para 7 of the Scheme, the following revised provisions may be substituted:-
(a) The existing ceiling of 10% is removed. All requests for compassionate engagement would be considered by the Circle Relaxation Committee on application of the relative merit points prescribed in this Directorate letter dated 14.12. 2010 in hard and deserving cases only subject to availability of the vacancy for the purpose & fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the GDS post. The term "hard and deserving cases" would mean cases over and above 50 merit points.
(b) All cases that are more than 5 years old or in which there is/are earning members(s) in the joint families hithertofare considered initially by the Circle Relaxation Committee and prescribed to be referred to this Directorate for approval would also be decided by the Circle Relaxation Committee concerned without further reference to this Directorate.
(c) All other provisions contained in the Scheme dated 14.12. 2010 shall continue to apply as already prescribed and all compassionate engagement shall be approved within the ambit of the prescribed Scheme only.
3. The revised provisions shall take effect from the date of application of the original Scheme. However, no past case decided in accordance with the original scheme prior to issue of this order shall be reopened. All cases lying undecided for whatever reasons may be decided only by the Circle Relaxation Committee without any further reference to this Directorate.
(Surender Kumar)
Asst. Director General (GDS)
01 August 2011
All POs to be Post Banks - MoC & IT
All POs to be Post Banks - MoC & IT
The humble post office is all set to undergo a radical change with a proposal to convert over 1.5 lakh post offices across the nation into full fledged banks on the anvil.
Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal wants to reach out to the masses in the rural areas with modern banking facilities through the post offices.
"We want to commercialise the department. We will seek a licence from the RBI to convert all our post offices into banks," Sibal told PTI.
The lack of modern banking facilities in rural areas and dependence of villagers on informal sector for their credit requirements has prompted the government to work on financial inclusion by way of setting up 'postal banks'.
"The State Bank of India can't build branches all over India, but there are post offices across India. The branches are already there, so infrastructure expenditure is not required. So you can actually give banking facilities at relatively lower costs, which would be extremely beneficial to people," he said.
The post offices currently offer financial services like savings bank, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services. Its total corpus stood at Rs 5,82,832.9 crore as on March 31, 2011.
DoP's revenues grew 11 per cent to Rs 6,954.09 crore in 2010-2011 from Rs 6,266.70 crore in the previous fiscal.
However, negative growth rate in some circles has pushed the Department's deficit to Rs 6,625 crore in FY'11, almost equal to the annual revenue of the Department.
"I want to make the (postal) system commercialised. By corporatising over 1.5 lakh post offices across the country, the ministry is expecting to improve the quality of services, increase profitability and reduce prices," Sibal said.
Out of the 22 DoP circles, some circles like Chhattisgarh have reported a negative growth of 19 per cent, Jharkhand 18 per cent and North East 15.9 per cent, whereas Assam (23.7 per cent), Haryana (19.5 per cent), Karnataka (13.5 per cent) and Tamil Nadu (13.9 per cent), recorded positive growth.
Among other steps, the Minister has asked members of Postal Services Board (PSB) to ensure 20 per cent revenue growth on sustainable basis.
Each member of the PSB has been asked to identify, commercialise and operationalise five major schemes of the Indian government, and partner with 5 PSUs and 10 corporate houses for commercial tie-ups with India Post with revenue potential of at least Rs 50 crore each.
DoP is also believed to be working towards setting up ATMs and offer debit cards for its customers.
"My vision is that post offices must become banks, so that an ordinary man can with Rs 10 open an account. We can set-up ATM machines for the e-banking...we can do e-retail," Sibal said.
According to officials, work for setting up 1,000 India Post ATMs is at an advanced stage and DoP has already held parleys with vendors on this front.
The Department is also working on providing skill development courses to its over 4.75 lakh employees with the Human Resources Development Ministry.
"The postman should also learn e-banking so that he can actually help the consumer on the ground. So, we are developing specialised skill development courses with the HRD Ministry," Sibal said.
Source : www.deccanchronicle.com
Posted by IP ASP at 12:31:00 PM 0 co
The humble post office is all set to undergo a radical change with a proposal to convert over 1.5 lakh post offices across the nation into full fledged banks on the anvil.
Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal wants to reach out to the masses in the rural areas with modern banking facilities through the post offices.
"We want to commercialise the department. We will seek a licence from the RBI to convert all our post offices into banks," Sibal told PTI.
The lack of modern banking facilities in rural areas and dependence of villagers on informal sector for their credit requirements has prompted the government to work on financial inclusion by way of setting up 'postal banks'.
"The State Bank of India can't build branches all over India, but there are post offices across India. The branches are already there, so infrastructure expenditure is not required. So you can actually give banking facilities at relatively lower costs, which would be extremely beneficial to people," he said.
The post offices currently offer financial services like savings bank, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services. Its total corpus stood at Rs 5,82,832.9 crore as on March 31, 2011.
DoP's revenues grew 11 per cent to Rs 6,954.09 crore in 2010-2011 from Rs 6,266.70 crore in the previous fiscal.
However, negative growth rate in some circles has pushed the Department's deficit to Rs 6,625 crore in FY'11, almost equal to the annual revenue of the Department.
"I want to make the (postal) system commercialised. By corporatising over 1.5 lakh post offices across the country, the ministry is expecting to improve the quality of services, increase profitability and reduce prices," Sibal said.
Out of the 22 DoP circles, some circles like Chhattisgarh have reported a negative growth of 19 per cent, Jharkhand 18 per cent and North East 15.9 per cent, whereas Assam (23.7 per cent), Haryana (19.5 per cent), Karnataka (13.5 per cent) and Tamil Nadu (13.9 per cent), recorded positive growth.
Among other steps, the Minister has asked members of Postal Services Board (PSB) to ensure 20 per cent revenue growth on sustainable basis.
Each member of the PSB has been asked to identify, commercialise and operationalise five major schemes of the Indian government, and partner with 5 PSUs and 10 corporate houses for commercial tie-ups with India Post with revenue potential of at least Rs 50 crore each.
DoP is also believed to be working towards setting up ATMs and offer debit cards for its customers.
"My vision is that post offices must become banks, so that an ordinary man can with Rs 10 open an account. We can set-up ATM machines for the e-banking...we can do e-retail," Sibal said.
According to officials, work for setting up 1,000 India Post ATMs is at an advanced stage and DoP has already held parleys with vendors on this front.
The Department is also working on providing skill development courses to its over 4.75 lakh employees with the Human Resources Development Ministry.
"The postman should also learn e-banking so that he can actually help the consumer on the ground. So, we are developing specialised skill development courses with the HRD Ministry," Sibal said.
Source : www.deccanchronicle.com
Posted by IP ASP at 12:31:00 PM 0 co
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