On 22.10.10, along with Shri. Jayanth, IP Karanataka Circle, our General secreraty visited Dak Bhawan and met with various officers to ascertain present position in respect of below mentioned issues.
1. Revision of Grade Pay for IP:
File is still pending in the Establishment Division of the Directorate. Recruitment Rules of Income Tax Officers in CBDT and Superintendents in CBEC are required for further processing the case. Members may please help the CHQ to procure the same so that it could be submitted to the Department.
2. Result of PS Group B exam :
It is likely to be announced by the end of November 2010 or first week of December 2010.
3. PS Group B DPC for the year 2010:
It is likely to be held in November 2010. Exact date of DPC is yet to be fixed.
4. Outsourcing of examinations:
It is likely to be finalized by January 2011. All examinations are likely to be conducted on objective type.
5. Revision of Honorarium of Invigilators for departmental examinations.
Case is under consideration by the department. Department is in the process of collecting information on amount being paid for invigilators by the SSC/UPSC. Information from the UPSC is awaited. Members may please help the CHQ to procure the rates being paid by SSC/UPSC so that it could be shared with the Department.
6. Revision of Fixed stationery charges for the Sub Division:
File is reported to be sent to Finance Ministry for concurrence